【2565浴佛圣典特刊】感恩 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖,祝 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖 圣诞快乐!
转自 薄伽梵 智及维摩诘 宗师微信朋友圈:
纪念 大圣 佛祖诞生
Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini Garden ancient India 2565 years ago, He was a reincarnated Holy being who was then after the attainment of supreme enlightenment then started to propagate Buddhism then He become The Buddha that we know The Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha. He disseminated Buddhism with the ultimate benevolence, compassionate and wisdom thus have saved and delivered countless sentient beings.
2565年前, 悉达多太子出生于古印度蓝毗尼园,祂是转世到人间的佛,达到菩提后,开始传播佛教,所以成为现在我们所知道的 大圣 释迦牟尼佛。 大圣 释迦牟尼佛极终善性慈悲和智慧弘扬佛法救渡无量众生。
Now in the new era of the third axis, in this new millennium humanity urgently needs the spiritual guidance and nourishment, The Buddha knew that this day will come hence have prepared on His own arrangement since He was still living in this world the Fo Fan Chi Ming Buddhist school that is especially educate and training the upper upper upper rootcapacity sentient beings to continue the lineage Transmission of Esoteric Esoterically Tantrayana Buddhism.
在现代的第三次轴心时代,这新时代,现代人很需要灵性指导和营养,而 佛祖在世时已经知道了这事情会发生,在祂亲自安排之下,建立了佛梵持明密教专门教育和培养上上上胜根根器众生,所以,密内密Tantrayana 佛教能够继续血脉传承。
Gratitude and Grateful to The Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha for His ultimate benevolence, compassionate and wisdom that now when the world urgently need spiritual guidance and nourishment the school of Fo Fan Chi Ming Buddhism still keep assisting, guiding and teach sentient beings; with the 28th Holy Patriarch Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master that has been doing the extensive dharma disseminations to the entire globe, with Holy Tantra Dragon Discourses, Ritual and Blessings, and all convenient to save and deliver sentient beings.
感恩 大圣 佛祖的极终善性慈悲和智慧,在现代世界需要灵性指导和营养时,佛梵持明密教还在辅助,指导和教导众生; 薄伽梵 智及 维摩诘 师尊第二十八代宗师到全世界弘扬佛法,做圣密龙讲,做仪轨和加持,和很多弘法的方便,救渡众生。
These few years since the COVID-19 spreading around the globe many life has been taken, the world are in its hardest time since world war 2, people are suffering and they need mentally and spiritually support to overcome this shared karma.
As Buddhist I pray to the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha for giving Blessings, lights and spiritual guidance for those sentient beings;
To enlighten those who are in indistinct and darkness;
To bring hopes and realisation for those who are in depraved;
作为一名佛教徒,我请求 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖加持,光明,和灵性指导给所有众生;
Human being and another human being are a nonconnected whole entity,
Human being and the universe are nonconnected whole entity,
Human being and the great natures are nonconnected whole entity,
Country and another Country are nonconnected whole entity,
万事万物都有法性的,人的心里面都有佛性的, 大圣 佛祖教育人类在我们的生活中有爱心,慈悲,和智慧,与其他和大自然兼容,和平和谐互助合作,放下自我与共同努力,增强正能量,来超越世界流行的新冠状病毒(COVID-19)灾难。
在宇宙眼前,在 佛祖眼前,无论是男女,任何皮肤颜色,语言,出生在哪一个国家,全都无分别的, 佛祖的慈悲和智慧给予所有众生。
我相信在 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖2565周年的圣诞,能够带大法喜,大吉祥以及加持全人类,所有众生,全世界和宇宙。
感恩 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖
祝 大圣 释迦牟尼 佛祖圣诞快乐!
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