

2565浴佛聖典精彩回放(十三)】中國漢傳密宗—聖密宗古梵密金剛禪佛教新西蘭分部代表金剛寂本長老於慶祝 大聖 佛祖2565聖誕浴佛聖典中的致辭


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慶祝 大聖 釋迦牟尼 佛祖2565聖誕浴佛聖典致辭

感謝、感恩 大聖 釋迦牟尼 佛祖、無量諸天諸佛、歷代 聖祖師佛、 薄伽梵 薄伽梵 至極維摩詰 阿達爾嘛佛 師尊,將佛法極終善性的慈悲、智慧和光明,帶給無量眾生。

大聖 釋迦牟尼 佛祖於2565年前下降娑婆世界,為眾生做了即身成佛的示範,妙用無量億阿僧袛劫所集阿耨多羅三藐三菩提聖法,幫助眾生解脫現在世短暫的痛苦以及未來世永恒的痛苦,並親自創立佛梵持明密教僧團,聖心週遍,廣弘密內密聖法,令眾生離苦得樂,臻至離垢晶瑩、明空自鑑、虹化轉世、光明自在、無所畏懼自解脫。


人人皆有佛性,人人皆可成佛。因此,慶祝 大聖 釋迦牟尼 佛祖的聖誕,亦即是慶祝每一位眾生自己的生日。

弟子在此謹代表新西蘭全體聖密弟子恭祝 大聖 釋迦牟尼 佛祖2565浴佛聖誕圓滿成功。

謝謝 師父


Speech by Elder Guru Vajra Ji Ben,
Representative of Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana Buddhism,
Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism New Zealand Chapter
At the Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony Celebrating the
2565th Holy Birthday of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha
Held by the Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia via Zoom

Prostration to Bhagavan Zhi Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master,

This disciple is thankful and grateful to the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhas of Multiple Heavens, Ancestral Master Buddhas of Successive Generations, Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Adharma Buddha Patriarch Master for bringing the ultimate virtuous kindness, compassion, wisdom and light to sentient beings.

The Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha descended into the Saha world 2565 years ago. He showed sentient beings the example of the attainment of Buddhahood in the current body, utilizing the holy Dharma of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi accumulated over countless billions of asamkhyeya kalpas (aeons), helping sentient beings to be liberated from the sufferings of the current and eternal lives.

He personally established the Fo-Fan Vidyadhara Esoteric Buddhism, penetrating all realms with sacred heart, widely disseminated the holy teachings of the Esoterically-Esoteric Buddhism, so that sentient beings may be freed from suffering and obtain happiness, eventually reaching that state of departing from defilement and attaining the crystal clearness, self-examining Vidya Sunyata, rainbow transformation and reincarnation, bright and fearless self-liberation.

This disciple firmly believes that the holy light of the ultimate virtuous kindness, compassion and wisdom of Buddhism will eventually light up people's hearts, helping mankind to achieve mind elevation and spiritual ascension. It will make everlasting contributions towards easing the pandemic, and strive for world peace.

Everybody has Buddha nature, everybody is able to attain Buddhahood. Therefore, celebrating the birthday of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha is also celebrating everyone's own birthday.

This disciple hereby represents Holy Tantra practitioners from New Zealand to congratulate the perfect success of the 2565th Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony for the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha.

Thank you Bhagavan Patriarch Master. Thank you everyone.



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