金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 資 訊 網 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net

R 反 省 報 告 之 一


I merely felt grateful


    This is very amazing to me because when I drank the holy water I did not ask for anything from Ahdharma.  I just drank it and thanked 阿 達 爾 嘛 佛 師 尊 in my heart.

    I already stopped taking the medicine then.  I found no problem in 行 大 禮 and in movement like walking and lifting my suitcase.  Previously I found my spine too stiff and painful to 行 大 禮 without taking any medicine; and even after taking medicine, 行 大 禮 and lifting heavy things could be difficult at times.

    In attending P Dharma Hall meetings on xx.xx.9x and xx.xx.9x, I had no problem in 行 大 禮 .  Sitting on the floor was not a problem.  I only needed to stretch my legs every now and then if I sat too long.

    Therefore the experiment on my body proves that Ahdharma's energy can solve my chronic spinal problem in a manner superior to medicine.  Not only medicine cannot solve my spinal pain satisfactorily, it reduced my wisdom after I took it.

We should follow Ahdharma Master's guidance
R 反 省 報 告 之 一 目 錄 頁
只 有 感 恩

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