金 剛 禪 國 際 總 會 資 訊 網 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net

R 反 省 報 告 之 一


Put me back into the right path


    師 父 I have discovered that when I am not taking the medicine I have more wisdom.

    I looked back into my application(dated xx.xx.9x) for pilgrimage.  The more I looked at it the more I found my reply too 〝 慢 〞.  I should not have worded the reply in such a manner.

    I should have a much more caring attitude towards S rather than just suppressing my feelings of missing her.  I foolishly thought that to suppress my feelings towards her during the training was the right attitude.  I thought it would be a 平 常 心 situation so that she would not be affected.  I beg   師 父 to forgive me.

    I am extremely grateful to   師 父 for giving me the chance to correct my wrong attitude.  I am very indebted in the provision of food and lodging to S during the training.  I beg   師 父 to continue to educate me and put me back into the right path.

    We are extremely happy to learn that   師 父 has approved our application for pilgrimage to Hobart tomorrow.  We will heartily accept whatever arrangement   師 父 gives us.  We have another valuable chance to increase our knowledge of 正 法 for practice after understanding it.

    Thank Your Holiness for your precious time.  Best regards to Your Holiness and devout followers,

弟 子             
敬 叩   

R 反 省 報 告 之 一 目 錄 頁
領 我 返 回 正 道

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