As the dragon soared down the streets with flying colours, enthusiasm could be heard in the voices of the children on the side as they yelled out "the dragon is coming, the dragon is coming!" In the distance, the Master of Ceremony, Elder Guru Vajra Yong Ming, explained to the audience the reason for our participating in a Christian activity was that we were striving towards solidarity among all religions. Passing our Jin-Gang-Dhyana Institute in Collins Street, the dragon performed one of its best dances to greet all the Buddhas of all heavens in our temple. The golden dragon's colourful body flew in a fish-like motion while hands were waving to this magnificent creature of the universe. As the dragon finished its final dance by turning back into Campbell Street, a truck with school children in it were reaching out their hands hoping to feel the body of the dragon while calling "There's the dragon!" The dragon swayed its long glorious body to and fro, leaving in the heart of Hobart people, a thrill of excitement. The dragon dance had come to an end. As the sounds of the last beating of the drum, and the clashing of the cymbals echoed into the air, the atmosphere of the Christmas Pageant lasted into the afternoon sky. |