(Released from "To be Published" Section)


The whole Universe celebrate together

The whole Universe sing together the song Light of the Universe


         During the process of the holy ceremony, both the inside and outside of Ci Bei Monastery was shrouded in a holy and solemn atmosphere of the ritual of Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism tradition.

         Holy Zhi Ji Vimalakirti Patriarch Master WANG Xin-De gave a revelation that the ritual of bathing Buddha can bring sentient beings huge good fortune, huge blessing, huge merits, enable the inner mind to generating immense harmony, immense peace and joy.

         Buddhas of all heavens and Maha Maya Deva Buddha mothers who participated in the bathing Buddha ritual, while continued singing the doctrinal song, moved over from Ci Bei Monastery to Qing Liang Di.  It could be felt that the holy atmosphere was due to the whole Universe having joined in to celebrate together.

Dharma Meeting celebrating Buddha's 2544th Birthday
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Purified lighting of

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