金 刚 禅 国 际 总 会 资 讯 网 The International Jin-Gang-Dhyana Association Net
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( 佛 历 二 五 四 九 年 ) 公 元 二 零 零 五 年

贵 宾 致 辞 选 登

Ms. Maureen Clark
Representative of Cerebral Palsy Tasmania


Master Wang, honoured guests and supporters of Buddhism in Tasmania:

    Firstly let me express my apologies for our general manager Matthew Sealy who couldn't be here today, very unhappy they cannot make it, but they are in the mainland.

    I would like to express our thanks though to Master Wang for His support for people with cerebral palsy in Tasmania, and His assistance in assisting them to a better quality of life and equipment and support therapy within Tasmania. We look forward to working together again in the future.

    Thank you very much!


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